

Registered Office: Unit 3 Elgar Business Centre. Moseley Road, Hallow, Worcestershire. WR2 6NJ

Invoice Number STMS INV-0351
Invoice Date 9 June 2024
Due Date 9 June 2024
Total Due £65.43

iZettle Report:
Card Payments (minus izettle fees) £206.32
Cash payments (already paid to band) £25.00
Payment owed to band = £206.32

T-Shirts sold x 5 @ £10 cost = £50
T-Shirts taken by band x 25 @ £8.87 = £221.75
Payment total to STMS Group Ltd = £271.75

Difference to pay (by the band) = £65.43

Qty Description PriceSub Total
1 Difference to pay from shirt sales at Breaking Bands Festival £65.43£65.43
Sub Total £65.43
VAT £10.91
Total Due £65.43

Please use invoice number as reference on bank payments

Bank Name: Starling
Account Name: STMS Group Ltd
Account Number: 06468995
Sort Code: 60-83-71