

Registered Office: Unit 3 Elgar Business Centre. Moseley Road, Hallow, Worcestershire. WR2 6NJ

Invoice Number STMS INV-0196
Invoice Date 6 February 2024
Due Date 6 February 2024
Total Due £30.00
Threehearts Ltd

79 Tib Str, Manchester, M4 1LS

Post to: Sutton Oaks Lodge, Leek Road, Macclesfield
Cheshire, SK110JF

The postal Address is
170 Braunstone Lane
Leicester LE3 2RW
Qty Description PriceSub Total
1 Gold Sample Pack

Size to be confirmed

Sub Total £30.00
VAT £5.00
Total Due £30.00

Please use invoice number as reference on bank payments

Bank Name: Starling
Account Name: STMS Group Ltd
Account Number: 06468995
Sort Code: 60-83-71